Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tea Glazed Squash

Although I don't have a garden I do have a nice selection of Farmers Markets and a Whole Foods Market a block away. I have always been a bit scared of cooking with fall squash and have always kept with using it as a decoration. The crisp fall air did something to my head so I thought I would play around with it and bought one of the long yellow ones and cute mini pumpkin shaped green ones.

2 of squash sliced in half
1/2 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons of chocolate almond brittle tea (or any good smokey black tea should work)
4 tablespoons of Agave (my recipe guide called for honey so you could use honey)

bring orange juice to a boil. When orange juice comes to a simmer add the tea. There are bags that you can put any loose leave tea in and tie/staple shut. Simmer the tea for 5-7 minutes and remove tea bag making sure you squeese all the liqued out. Stir in 2 tablespoons of Agave and continue to simmer.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Place Squash cut side up and bake for about 30 minutes. Remove squash and spoon over 2 tablespoons of agave and place squash make in the over for 20-30 more minutes till squash is tender.

Smother with glaze and serve. Next time I think I will try adding some sort of roasted nuts. This squash will have the neighbors knocking and had my apartment smelling like fall for two days.

This is a terrible plating picture but I guess I was so excited to eat it I wasn't thinking.